Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association

MaLGRA Is New Zealand's longest running LGBT association and has been running. fighting and pushing for change and acceptance since 1977 MaLGRA is always there to help other members of the LGBT+ community and other LGBT+ Groups.
Mission: To provide a social service which affirms and empowers gay, lesbian, intersex, transgender, takatāpui, fa'afafine, asexual, and bisexual persons, those questioning their sexuality, and those persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) who are Members of Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association Incorporated and/or our communities, and their family, whanau/significant others; and which actively promotes the development of a safer social environment for our multicultural communities.
MaLGRA has an office at Hancock House on King Street. You can book in to see us for a chat and get some resources. You can also pickup your ordered HIV self testing kit supplied by Burnett Foundation Aotearoa.
The office is staffed Monday and Wednesday 10am til 3pm. Outside of these times we can be seen by appointment only, which you will need to email us about (not use the booking below).
Appointment times are 30 minutes, so please fill out the information link in the booking system so we can prepare suitable resources and anything else a head of your appointment so you get the most time with us.