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President's Report - May 2018

Malgra comittee has had a busy month with meetings and events to attend.We are currently having meetings with council to plan and organise events for both the upcoming international pride week at the end of june but also our own pride month in October to celebrate Malgras 41st birthday!

We have also had opportunities of late to meet and network with the lovely folks at Musa and Massey while both President and VP attended their Drag evening. A great evening with performances form local kings and queens and a local musician (and a spot from RubyDax). Hosted by the wonderful Abi Symes and put together by Kerry Howe and the Musa Team to celebrate Black Thursdays, Great to go along to these events!

We have had our monthly mingles happening on the last Thursday of each month and spots around town, with activities at some events including tile and mug painting, Pride Brainstorming plus much more. This is a great chance to meet others from the local rainbow community here in the lovely Manawatu.

We also have recently had the opportunity to head along to Te Manawa and do the Queens Birthday Craft and Storytime! This was a great day and a fantastic chance to get out and work with the public. A big thank you to our volunteers who came along to help out. There are Pics on our Facebook page from this event.

Members for Malgra recently took part in a discussion group around the use of alcohol in the LGBTQ+ community.

We are currently situated in with Te Manawa although we do not have a physical space we are closely involved with them (they also sell some pride items for us) and we are also involved with the local women's center on Waldegrave St.

All in all quite a busy month with lots being planned for June and October.

Why not pop along to one of our events or contact us via our Facebook page to see whats going on.


Andi Leipst (Malgra President)

*I would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers and also to the organisations and local businesses that support Malgra and the work we do.*

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